Monthly Archives: September 2014

No job’s done till the paperwork’s finished…

My dad used to say that whenever we happened to find ourselves stuck in the bathroom sans toilet paper. “No job’s done till the paperwork’s finished.” Har-har. Nowadays, I feel like no job is ever finished at my house, whether we have toilet paper or not. Learning to get anything done with little E has been one of the greatest challenges of my life. So far I would grade myself a D. “Miss Lopez is very ambitious, takes on difficult projects, but must learn to follow through.” How did my mom get anything done?? With 4 kids?  How did any mother get anything done?!  Little E barely lets me go to the bathroom by myself, let alone cook dinner or clean up. So that’s how things have been here at my house. It also explains why I’ve been missing for the last, oh, 3 months. Well, actually that and the fact that I don’t know how to use technology and I couldn’t figure out how to log in. Oh and I posted this on what is supposed to be my personal blog, and then spent 20 minutes trying to copy/paste onto this blog.  Wop-wop.

So, based on what I wrote above, know that the last project I started working on is surprise surprise….not finished! And soon we will be putting in new floors! And painting! And doing some interior decorating! Which I’ve already started! Oh and did I tell you about my plans to tear out my lawn and replace it with native plants?! And it all won’t be done until little E goes to college! Well, at least I’m starting things right? And at least the patio kinda looks like this (when it’s clean, and when the dogs are banished to the other side of the house)


Someday I will get things done. But for now, I have to spend all my time cuddling and playing with a cute lil’ baby. Life is hard, yo. -P

Sylvia’s Vlog 2: Veggie Burgers, Coffee, and Video Games

My second video blog!

In which I talk about veggie burgers, pretty meh coffee, and video games (A Link Between Worlds and a bit about Super Mario 3D Land).

The book that I referenced is called “The Strange Tale of Panorama Island” by Suehiro Maruo, which you can find here:

and the “90s kid” thing that I sorta referenced can be found here:
