Monthly Archives: July 2014

Sylvia’s Veg*n Food Reviews: Sweet Earth Curry Recipe Seitan

Hey Pati, (and others reading this blog)

So sorry for the hiatus… you know how it is… Family Days approach at the museum and I’m completely useless and non-productive in all other aspects of my life for like a week.

But I’m getting the hang of it, so it shouldn’t be a permanent thing (hopefully, that would suck, seeing as they’re monthly).

So this week, I decided to do another food review since I went shopping today and got something totally different: Seitan.

I’ve never bought seitan, it’s usually pricey and I tried to make it from scratch twice to underwhelming results. I bought this stuff, curry seitan by Sweet Earth.


I love curry, I’m no expert on it, but I do enjoy most things curry…. I once had curry flavored popcorn… hooo mama!

Anyway, this stuff comes in about 4 rectangles, that you can chop up. I took 2 rectangles and sliced them into thin squares and made simple skillet dish with some chopped veg (broccoli, cauliflower, and snap peas).


I kept the seasoning light, with only some salt and pepper (mainly for the veg) because I wanted to taste the full curry potential of this seitan… it was very aromatic from opening the package, so I knew it would be packed with flavor.

I served it on a bed of seasoned cous cous (salt, pepper, paprika) and dug in.



The texture was good, firm and kinda spongey (in a good way) very aromatic, as curry should be, and it took everything in my power not to scarf down my bowl.  It was a very yummy dish, for being so simplistic and easy to make.

My rating: 10/10

I’ll be buying this stuff again, I could see it being good in a sandwich.

Any suggestions or products I should try for future posts?


1) sorry for the crappy cell phone pictures, I really should start using a legit camera on this blog.

2) I wanna share a little thing that made me smile today (as this blog is about enjoying the little things) so here you go, a video of a schnauzer freaking out and fainting from happiness when she reunites with her owner after 2 years apart!  (She’s okay now!)