Wow. So wordy. Introducktion. Much blog.

I have so much I want to write about , but I’ve been so busy today I think I’ll just write an introductory post.  I’m Sylvia’s older sister Pati (hence the blog name) and I live in Los Angeles, California.  I am married and live in a cute but messy house with 2 dogs and 2 rabbits.  I am a pharmacist and I’m sure some posts will talk about what I like to call the rxlife.  It’s a hard life and not as boring as some may think (eh, who am I kidding it probably is).  When I’m not dispensing drugs or giving out free medical advice,  I am a mom to the cutest baby in the world who I will just call Baby.  And yes, she is the cutest baby in the world.  Multiple studies and focus groups have confirmed it.  I am trying to decide whether I should post pictures of her on this blog, I mean I already plaster that kids adorable mug on Facebook and Instagram, but I don’t know if I want her out on the internets for all to see.  But I do plan on talking about mom stuff like mommy wars, kid crafts, and general my baby-is-so-great bragging.

So let’s see, I’ve talked about mah job and mah baby, ah yes I have forgotten about the tie that binds sylvia and me together….FOOD.  Food is going to have a very big presence here, so much so that maybe we should acknowledge it as another member of this blog.  Food is big in our family.  Growing up, I think it’s safe to say that we probably looked forward to the food at holiday get togethers more than the presents.  At least I know I did.  Sylvia is my food buddy, and we’ll try to get out and try some restaurants and talk all about it here.  I will also try talking about cooking for my family, but really I hate to cook, so don’t expect too much of that going on here.

I also plan on talking about my house, trying to keep it clean (haha never gonna happen, consider that dragon CHASED), DIY, pretty much everything under the sun.  I’m hoping that by having this blog and needing to write something every week for it, it will light a fire under my ass to get things done.   Hey look, this post didn’t turn out as wordy as I thought. WOW.


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